Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program

Legal law justice lampin lawSATOP in Missouri

One of the most common questions that our clients ask after they have been charged with an alcohol-related traffic offense has to do with SATOP program. SATOP is the Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program. Many people charged with DWI end up having to complete this program in order to get their driver’s license back and/or because it was ordered by the court as part of the disposition of the criminal case.

SATOP is the Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program.

SATOP providers are typically private companies that have been certified by the Missouri Department of Health. SATOP begins with an evaluation and the program that you are placed in is based upon the outcome of your evaluation. Costs vary significantly depending upon your placement.

The four levels of SATOP

  1. Offender Education Program (OEP – Level I) A 10-hour education course designed for lower risk offenders in understanding the choices they made that led to their intoxication and arrest.
  2. Weekend Intervention Program (WIP – Level II) A 20-hour level of service designed for repeat or high-risk offenders using intensive education and counseling intervention methods over a weekend of structured activities. This program is conducted in a restrictive environment.
  3. Clinical Intervention Program (CIP – Level III) A 50-hour outpatient counseling program consisting of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education. Ten hours must address impaired driving issues.
  4. Serious and Repeat Offender Program (SROP – Level IV) An outpatient program consisting of at least 75 hours of treatment in no less than 90 days. Services must include a minimum of 35 hours of individual and/or group counseling. Successful completion of the treatment is left to the discretion of the program’s clinical staff based on the specific needs of the consumer. OR
    Traditional Treatment (Level IV) This program level is assigned for those offenders having multiple alcohol or drug-related traffic offenses, those at high risk of re-offending. Treatment may be in the form of a residential or outpatient program but must be completed at a state or nationally certified/accredited treatment provider.

Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program

Help Appealing Your SATOP Placement

If you believe that you were placed in an inappropriate level of SATOP it is possible to appeal that placement level. While a court action will be required, our DWI Lawyers understand the process and can help facilitate the process.


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